
Hypno-oncology – Hypnosis for Cancer Patients

Our mission is to empower and provide support and assistance to those going through the cancer journey wherever they are in the world.

We also train up medical professionals, hypnotherapists, psychologists and psychotherapists to enable them to be able to offer the same high level of support.

Association of Hypno-Oncology Practitioners Logo

Important Warning – We Do Not Treat Cancer!

Hypno-Oncology: Hypnotic Interventions for the Cancer Journey

Accredited Hypno-Oncology Practitioners do not treat cancer or offer advice on treatment.  Hypno-Oncology is an adjunct therapy to assist those going through the cancer journey. It is not a replacement for the treatment or advice given to you by your qualified medical and health professionals.

However, accredited practitioners can assist with the psychological wellbeing and potentially dealing with areas such as treatment side effects of those going through the cancer journey. Please feel free to explore the site and contact us or an accredited practitioner for more information or assistance.

What is Hypno-Oncology?

Hypno-Oncology is the therapeutic use of hypnosis and psychological techniques with those going through the cancer journey.

Accredited Hypno-Oncology Practitioners are qualified, experienced  practitioners who have been further highly trained in the latest empirically evidenced approaches and techniques and have passed a rigorous exam. They have also agreed to strict professional accreditation conditions.

You can be assured when consulting with an accredited Hypno-Oncology Practitioner that you will be in safe, ethical, professional hands.

The techniques and approaches used have been researched, developed and tested over many years in academic and hospital oncology settings and have been used successfully with thousands of cancer sufferers.

What can Hypno-Oncology be used for?

Hypno-Oncology has been employed for all aspects of the cancer journey including:-

Anxiety, fear and worry are common emotions that can be worked with.

Fear and phobias of aspects of treatments such as claustrophobia with scanners & masks, needle phobia and many others.

Pre & post surgery hypno-oncology could improve outlook & outcomes.

Addressing treatment side effects, including nausea, vertigo, taste issues, hot flushes, sleep issues, eating issues.

Working to assist with pain control.

Experimental areas such as guided visualisation techniques and working with the immune system psychologically.

And so much more!

What is the evidence for Hypno-Oncology?

There are a multitude of academic research papers espousing the usefulness and efficiency of Hypno-Oncology.

Latest research carried out by Franch et al, published in January 2023 entitled:- ‘Applications of Hypnosis as an Adjuvant in Oncological Settings: A Systematic Review’, examined a number of cancer studies which used hypnosis and concluded ‘That apart from a single study, all studies showed that hypnotic interventions improved the measured variables compared to a control group.

Most studies showed that hypnosis has positive effects on reducing anxiety, pain, nausea, fatigue, drug use, and length of hospital stays.

Hypnosis also improves depressive symptoms, insomnia, hot flashes, well-being, and quality of life, and helps increase adherence to treatment.

When used by qualified professionals as an adjuvant to well-established treatments, hypnosis improves symptoms caused by oncological interventions and the disease itself. In addition, hypnosis has no side effects.’

Sharma, (2017), carried out a literature review of 55 research papers looking at the clinical benefits of using hypnotherapy with cancer patients, concluding that it appeared to benefit cancer patients both physically and psychologically.

Flammer & Bogartz, (2003), concluded that hypnosis was effective for many disorders that cancer patients encounter, after carrying out a meta analysis of 57 random controlled studies of palliative care hypnosis.

Research papers indicate that hypnosis is the most used complementary therapy for addressing pain control issues.

Neron & Stephenson (2007) conclude that there is much evidence for clinical hypnosis providing a reduction in symptoms, such as pain and anxiety, in cancer settings including its use pre and post-surgery.

Montgomery G. (various dates), has carried out many positive studies into the usefulness of hypnotherapy in breast cancer cases.

Co-founder of The Association of Hypno-Oncology Practitioner, Garry Coles, carried out ground breaking UK hospital based research using presurgical hypnosis and was able to demonstrate the positive effects on the recovery quality in breast cancer operations.

There is much research indicating that the immune system can be seriously compromised causing further health issues in cancer patients which could potentially influence the course of the disease due to psychological stress, depression, anxiety etc. This area of research is known as psychoneuroimmunology (PNI).

Please contact us via our central (UK) number on:-

(44) 1252 687260

Email Us at – info@Hypno-oncology.com

Or fill in the email contact form below

    Many thanks. – We’ll get back to see how we can help you as soon as possible.

    Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

    Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is the study of the effect of the mind on health and resistance to disease and the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body.

    PNI  investigates how stressful situations and the negative feelings associated with them come to cause, often detrimental, physical change in the body.

    It has been suggested and there is enough evidence available that hypnosis can modify the production and activity of components of the immune system. (Gruzelier, 2002).

    There is suggestion that psychological or behavioural factors may influence the progression of cancer due to influences on the immune system functions. (Kiecolt-Glaser & Glaser, 1999).

    A recent interview with me hosted by Claudia Rickard


    The Association of Hypno-Oncology Practitioners: Hypnotherapy and Hypnotic Interventions for the Cancer Journey